Hello my dearest friends across the globe,
this year is truly special, as this Thursday, I will be celebrating my birthday backwards like Benjamin Button 😉 and I feel happy about my upcoming celebration, but I feel terribly blue that I cannot have you all with me on my birthday and hug you in person and dance with you until dawn.
As you might know my ankle accident this year in March did not allow me enough chances to dance, but the accident put many things into perspective and the universe transformed my overly active feet into an overly active soul instead, hence since some of you asked me what I wish for this year, I have an idea, how you can help me fulfill one little wish and also do something very special before the Christmas holidays. I have decided that after 41 years of material consumerism and accumulation of meaningless objects, I will turn things around this year.
You can take part in my personal fundraiser to collect money for the school in Madagascar, where I teach computer science, since March this year and have taught students, who never used a PC before, HTML and CSS coding. We desperately need to buy more PCs, as we are working with 4 laptops, but we have on average between 44 and 60 students in class.
You can check out the school’s website and some testimonials of our students here: https://wingsofchange.co/testimonials/ and in particular these 2 students enjoy my class very much:
Christyzio is one of my brightest students and mentions his joy in minute 1:30: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cZ6hR-FBp6E
Yasmine is one of my strongest female students and enjoys the class as well, as she puts it in minute 2:30:https://youtu.be/N5Eg2BqXs2g
With 60 students and unfortunately only 4 laptops in class, of which one is needed for zoom, while the remaining 3 are there for practice, it can be difficult at time. Sometimes we can borrow about 20 laptops from another academy, but we gotta give those back on the same day right after class, hence to have more laptops in class, would be so incredibly helpful. Check out this video and see for yourself what Albert, one of our highly ambitious students said during class: https://1drv.ms/v/s!ArAW4_WIA80ZitsJMc7sbMKYWruoUQ?e=Gr44hB
So long story short: all proceeds will go to Wings of Change and allow us to support our founder Afsana Amarsy in buying laptops for our school and students in Nosy Be, an island in the north of Madagascar. We will buy and ship or transport the laptops there ourselves, as soon as the borders to Madagascar are open again or eventually buy them locally, if affordable and possible. Our founder Afsana has promised to match any amount that is donated this Christmas 2021 (I’ll be happy to send you her email if interested). And since a pre-owned laptop will cost us around € 150-250,-, we can truly use all the help we can get, as we need to raise at least €7.500,- to have at least 1 computer to be shared by 2 students sitting next to each other.
In return everyone, who donates is whole-heartedly invited to take part at my lesson on January 4th at 11am (Gulf standard time/ 8am CET) or any other lesson on Tuesdays at the same timing and watch + participate via zoom.
Hence I have setup an online money pot for your generous donations at http://www.leetchi.com/c/sanaz-birthday-wemxw9mw and would ask you to send me a personal message for the students, which I would read out loudly, in case you can’t join the lesson personally.
I would love for you to add some words of wisdom that you would like to share with them, as I have always learned from you and would love to gift this wisdom to them, even if you cannot donate anything this time.
If you have any questions or suggestions, let me know.
I am very happy to have you as my friend and wish you a wonderful Christmas and an amazing happy new year, hoping to see much more of you in 2022.
Your friend